Safety and Versatility in Construction

The Construction Industry is More Dangerous than You Might Expect

There is an old saying that “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, because it took many hundreds of years to build the great city of Rome. To this day construction projects can still take many years to complete, but the result becomes homes, businesses, towns, and whole cities. Construction is an incredible industry that is vital to our society, and for those who work in construction it is a lucrative career. The hard work and tangible result of construction can bring a sense of satisfaction for workers and foremen alike. However, there is a very dark side to the construction industry: danger.

There are more than 100,000 construction-related injuries reported each year, and nearly 10 in every 100,000 resulted in death. Based on the nature of the work, it does not come as a surprise that it can be dangerous, but the numbers are higher than one might expect, especially considering the OSHA regulations and modern safety technology available. Our team here at Lombardi Lift designed our own, unique telehandler and aerial work platform, and its primary use is on construction sites. So, while we are familiar with the excellence of the construction industry, we are also familiar with the danger in the industry. Today we would like to discuss safety and versatility in construction projects.

The Risks Posed to Construction Workers

Even if you are not involved in the construction industry, chances are that you have walked or driven past (or through) a construction project and seen what it looks like. The job sites are usually very hectic with a lot of people on foot, in vehicles, and even high up in cranes or in safety harnesses working in a precarious spot. Unfortunately, with so many risk factors, injury is inevitable. According to OSHA, there are four main causes of death on construction sites, including:

  • Falls
  • Caught-in-or-between
  • Struck-by
  • Electrocution

Some have dubbed these as the “Fatal Four” because they are the bane of the construction industry and combined cause the majority of construction-related deaths. So, with all of these risk factors being posed to construction workers, how can they stay safe on the jobsite?

Safety in Construction

The best way to stay safe on the job is to wear safety equipment, stay alert, operate all equipment in a safe and appropriate way, to communicate with your team, and to be aware of your surroundings. As we mention our versatile work platform is an attachment for a Telehandler .Telehandlers are an excellent type of vehicle that can have multiple different functions. It’s primary function is lifting materials. The Lombardi Lift Attachment offers a new dimension creating “ real dual use” , fundermentally offering the contractor an increase in productivity and decrease in expenses. Therefore, eliminating the need for other aerial lifts that offer work platforms without the flexiblility of the Lombardi Lift Attachment. Not only is using a telehandler cost-effective and easy to operate, but it eliminates some of the risks of construction by removing the need for multiple vehicles.. If you haven’t seen it already, we recommend that you read our Safety Checklist for Telehandlers and Aerial Lifts. This is a thorough checklist for what to do prior to starting a construction job using a telehandler in order to ensure safety on the worksite.

Best Practices for Safely Operating a Telehandler

If your project includes an aerial lift or telehandler, and you have already read through the safety checklist, then you should follow these best practices once you start operating the vehicle.

  • Wear your seatbelt if you are the operator
  • Know your weight limit and do not exceed the maximum capacity
  • Refer to your owner’s manual if you are unsure about anything
  • Ensure stability by keeping the telehandler and load within the stable triangle
  • Keep the boom low as you travel to avoid “struck-by” accidents
  • Always operate at an appropriate and controllable speed
  • If your machine falls over, do not try to jump out
  • Ensure that the chassis is level when handling loads

Keep Your Construction Site Safer with a Telehandler

Construction can be a dangerous industry, so it is important to take any possible measures to increase safety. Investing in a telehandler is both cost-effective and allows you to create a safer jobsite by minimizing the amount of equipment and potential safety hazards. When businesses are deciding what brand of telehandler to choose, safety should be their number one priority. Major manufacturers, like JLG, Genie, and others often rank among the top telehandlers because they are big name brands that prioritize safety for their users. Similarly, that’s why a lot of people choose Lombardi Lift. Our versatile work platform is a great piece of equipment and we pride ourselves on its safety features and ease of use. Please feel free to contact the Lombardi Lift team if you are interested in our telehandlers. We are happy to answer your questions and help you invest in a safe piece of construction equipment to keep all of your workers safe on your next construction project.